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  Writer Submission Criteria Q & A-  

Q 1    What Type Of Stories & Articles Are We Looking For?


We are looking for stories and articles about your local community. The subject matter can be historical in nature:

(i.e. Stage route stories,  Tragic Mining Accidents, Indian Culture, First Settlers, etc.).  It can be about interesting historical characters or old buildings & hotels that are known to be Haunted and visited by Ghosts.  The subject matter can even be about something current but very newsworthy such as Mammoth Mountain installing a new and exciting zip-line adventure, or the recent discovery of a huge underground cavern, a sighting of Big Foot, or even the best fishing holes in all the mountains.  

Take a look at articles and stories that have been previously published in our magazine.  In this year's publication, we published a story written about great day hikes near Yosemite National Park.  Another story spoke to the issue of survival and the importance of being trained and prepared when something goes terribly wrong.

Another story was historical in nature and talked about how the Sugar Pine Railroad travel across Bass Lake Dam. A bit of history most people knew nothing about.

We also added a new section called the Secret Restaurant Review.  In this instance we have a professional chef go into a restaurant order and consume a meal then give a review.  





Q 2    What Size - Length - Word Count?


​Ideally, your stories and articles should be between 500 to 1000 words in length.  While we have published stories as long as 1500 words, this is very rare.  Keep in mind, we reserve the right to edit your story if necessary.



Q 3    What Format Should I Submit My Story or Article?

When submitting your story or article it should be written in standard journalistic format:  Who - What - When - Where - Why - and How.  At the top of the page write a proposed Caption along with "Written by: (Your Name)", word count and number of photographs if any, attached.  Submit using standard 12 pt Arial font and double space the entire article.  You must be the author in order to submit a story or article.  Photographs must either be take by you the author / photographer or you must obtain and submit a standard photographic release specific to your article and include High Sierra Adventures Magazine.  We do not pay for photographs that are published in our magazine.  Include the name of the photographer so that we me give the proper by-line credit.





Q 4    Do You Want Photographs With The Story or Article?


We are a full color publication so prefer high quality full color photographs.  However, there is an exception:  When your story is historical dating back to the 18th and 19th century you may only have access to black & white photographs or illustrations.  Most often these photographs and illustrations are obtained from local historical societies, or books used in research.  Whichever the case you must obtain permission to publish or republish in     High Sierra Adventures Magazine.  


Q 5    Will I Be Compensation For My Work?


No.  But you will receive recognition through your by-line that you've been published in a major regional publication. 




Q 6    Do You Publish The By-Line?


We always publish your by-line unless you indicate otherwise.  If you choose to use a pen name we still require for our records your real name, address, phone number and email address. 




Q 7  Where and How Do I Submit My Creative Work for Consideration?


Submit you story or article along with all photographs and or illustrations to:



James F. Chappel


High Sierra Adventures Magazine



Please Note:  The act of submitting a story, article, photograph and or illustration gives HSAM the right to reject, edit and publish your work without any monetary compensation.


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